I've been pondering about what to write about on this blog, even before I had set it up. I still quite don't know how to go about it, but hopefully as I go along it will steadily flow...
I follow a couple of blogs already mainly design inspiration ones as I have a keen interest in creativity of all kinds..(which Im sure will creep up in future posts).
I always say I'm never a big fan of all these social networks and cyber communications..which already shown here is a contradiction. Yes I have facebook, yes I now follow twitter and I have a blackberry..doesn't say much for standing ground of my views but my only defence is that more and more these forms are becoming like permanent fixtures in our homes...the only difference is they are fixtures in our brains. I read an entry on another blog site about the 'simpler times' from past decades, and even being just of the age of 21 I can speak the words..I Remember when I was young...and add my contribution to this sentence by saying I remember when I was young, when telephones had cords attached and many times sitting in the cold hall way for hours on end chatting to my friends (even if I had been at school with them all day) because of the time of my childhood my parents decided that "playing out" for the hours of the evening wasn't gonna happen and so the 'telephone' was my only vice..until the boom of the internet.
I can't bad mouth it all, I mean I find it useful to quickly search and now keep in contact with friends...which I have had the battle with myself that I really do not like having a mobile and rarely use it, so my only other option is to use facebook for instant contact. I just wish that the simpler times were not completely forgotten...like writing a letter to someone and feeling the excitement of receiving. I'm currently re-living this particular past time now as I have a fare bit of time on my hands (which I may bore this blog with mentioning later) and so I've taken it upon myself to write and I have loved it...I don't think it could ever get boring either.
I think that it's a bit backwards in my 'Ideal' world I'd have letters shooting through my letter box from friends and family (even with tons of photos included) just like facebook ha! and then have social networking sites with companies such as for paying bills and boring business dealt with through this way imagine having a facebook chat with a manager of a company ranting on about bills and adding the facial icons to express your feelings ha.
Well first entry added I hope this rant isn't going to be the first of many. Maybe the next one I'll begin with some colourful inspiration...set a more positive mood!